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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to change administrative console session timeout in WAS:

Here is the procedure:
Through Unix box:
Edit the /systemApps/adminconsole.ear/deployment.xml file in a text editor.
Locate the xml statement, as shown below:
maxInMemorySessionCount="1000" allowOverflow="true"
writeFrequency="TIME_BASED_WRITE" writeInterval="10"
writeContents="ONLY_UPDATED_ATTRIBUTES" invalidationTimeout="30">
b. Change the invalidationTimeout value to the desired session timeout and save the file.
2. Restart the console.
Through Admin console:
Go to: Server -> Application Server -> Your Server -> Web Container -> Session Management
In Session time out section of the window, you can select No time-out or Set time-out by clicking the appropriate radio button. If you choose to set the time-out, type the desired value in minutes in the box.

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